What is this? Freely available resources about conversation design compiled into an (almost) cohesive format. I'm mostly interested in design, linguistics, audio and music but there's a lot of other relevant material here.

What is this not? A universal library on CXD. I'm not collecting everything, only the things that interest me or helped me.

Why does this exist? There's so much information out there related to conversation design, written by a lot of authors, and much of it freely available. I wanted to collect my favourite bits for when I need them.

You should know: This list updates regularly when I find a resource that I think is more suitable. I try my best to keep it in order but, well, I need to leave some time to sleep 🙂

How do I use it? Click on the toggles to open the sections. Inside you'll find links for instant brain expansion.

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Ben - My Portfolio

Feast your eyes and ears on these!